Introduction to Bitvest Casino
Launched in 2015, this discreet online casino offers a select array of games, each ensuring provable fairness, alongside a choice of cryptocurrencies for transactions. The design may appear overwhelming at first, but it becomes straightforward to use with a bit of exploration. The casino values anonymity, providing you the option to stay incognito with a quick and efficient sign-up procedure.
Advantages at Bitvest Casino
Registrations are immediate. Games are Provably Fair. Lively community chat feature. Fast performance on desktop. Accepts BTC and 4 other alternative cryptocurrencies. Limited to only 6 games. The interface feels antiquated. Lack of promotions or bonus incentives. Solely English language support. Subpar mobile user experience.
Signing Up at Bitvest Casino
Setting up an account with this cryptocurrency casino is a swift process that takes just a few seconds, with no need to provide personal details. If you wish to enhance your experience, you can establish a username and password, and once more, personal information is not required.
Game Selection at Bitvest Casino
While this virtual casino may not boast a wide array of games or the latest in graphic design, its selection of 6 straightforward classics will appeal to enthusiasts of uncomplicated gaming. The offerings include Plinko, Dice, Slots, Keno, Bitspin, and Roulette. These games can be found in the menu on the right-hand side of the screen, complete with historical data on past bets and winnings displayed beneath each game.
Assistance and How-Tos For help and guidance on game play, the Help section located at the bottom of the left-hand menu provides detailed instructions and video tutorials for each game.
Daily Challenges Bitvest casino spices up the gaming experience with daily Quests—challenges that reward players with tokens for completing various activities within a 24-hour timeframe.
Additionally, the casino features a faucet system, which is accessible to players with a full account. Your "level" at the casino, reflective of your betting activity, will determine the potential rewards you can earn. Every 90 seconds, players have the opportunity to complete a captcha challenge and win up to 100 million tokens. These tokens are not just for betting within the site; they can also be converted into cryptocurrency once you've collected over 25,000, offering another way to enhance your gaming experience.
Investment Opportunity at Bitvest Casino
Bitvest provides a unique chance for users to become investors. As an investor, you fund the payouts for winnings, and in return, you receive a share of the casino's profits. This is after accounting for a betting commission and a token commission fee, which vary by game. To get started, navigate to the Investments icon and choose the games you want to support with your investment.
Supported Cryptocurrencies at Bitvest Casino
This digital casino accommodates transactions in several major cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Dogecoin. In addition, they offer their proprietary currency, TOK, which can be used for transactions within the platform.
Adding Funds at Bitvest Casino
To top up your Bitvest casino account with one of the accepted five cryptocurrencies, click on the 'Funds' icon found in the left-side menu and go to the 'Deposits' section. Choose the cryptocurrency you intend to deposit, and the site will generate a unique QR code for you to scan and complete your deposit. The minimum deposit requirement is 0.0012 BTC or its equivalent in other altcoins.
Cashing Out at Bitvest Casino
When you're ready to withdraw your funds, navigate back to the 'Funds' icon and select 'Withdraw'. Enter your wallet address and the amount you wish to withdraw. Be aware that Bitvest implements a withdrawal fee proportionate to your withdrawal amount—for example, a fee of 0.00012 BTC will be deducted from a withdrawal of 0.0012 BTC. There is no cap on the amount you can withdraw from your account.
Licensing Status at Bitvest Casino
At present, Bitvest casino is not holding an official gambling license. This situation isn't rare for smaller cryptocurrency-based casinos, yet it is an important detail to mention in this review. Nonetheless, they are recognized as a verified member of the Crypto Gambling Foundation.
Desktop and Mobile Experience at Bitvest Casino
The casino's desktop site benefits from its lack of complex graphics, resulting in impressive loading speeds. On the mobile front, the performance dips slightly, showing minor lags. Currently, they do not offer a dedicated mobile app.
Access by Country at Bitvest Casino
Certain territories are excluded from accessing Bitvest casino. Residents of Belarus, France, Iceland, Luxembourg, Poland, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey, and Ukraine are among those who cannot participate in the casino's offerings due to restrictions.
Promotional Offers at Bitvest Casino
One of the drawbacks highlighted in this review of Bitvest casino is the absence of a welcome bonus and recurring promotional deals. The only perks available are the faucet and the daily quests they host. This is a notable downside, as promotional incentives are often key in attracting and retaining players.
Customer Assistance at Bitvest Casino
Ticket Submission: Available to users with a full account, the team promises to respond promptly. Email Assistance: Players can reach out directly to the support staff at Immediate Concerns: For issues needing swift attention, moderators in the group chat can escalate matters to the administrators. It should be noted, however, that Bitvest casino does not provide round-the-clock customer service and lacks a dedicated live support chat feature, offering only a community chat for social interaction.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I register at Bitvest casino anonymously?Yes, Bitvest casino allows for anonymous registration, requiring no personal information to set up an account.
What types of games are available at Bitvest casino?Bitvest casino offers a selection of 6 classic games including Plinko, Dice, Slots, Keno, Bitspin, and Roulette.
Does Bitvest casino offer a welcome bonus or any promotions?Currently, Bitvest casino does not offer a welcome bonus or promotional offers aside from their faucet and daily quest features.
What cryptocurrencies can I use at Bitvest casino?Bitvest casino accepts Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Dogecoin, in addition to their own token, TOK.
How can I make a deposit at Bitvest casino?Deposits can be made by locating the 'Funds' icon in the left-hand menu, selecting 'Deposits', choosing your cryptocurrency, and using the provided QR code to complete the transaction.
Is there a minimum deposit amount at Bitvest casino?Yes, the minimum deposit is set at 0.0012 BTC or the altcoin equivalent.
How do I withdraw my winnings from Bitvest casino?Withdrawals can be initiated by going to 'Funds' and selecting 'Withdraw', where you can enter your wallet address and the amount you wish to withdraw.
Are there any country restrictions for playing at Bitvest casino?Yes, residents from Belarus, France, Iceland, Luxembourg, Poland, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey, and Ukraine are restricted from playing at Bitvest casino.
Does Bitvest casino have an official gambling license?No, Bitvest casino operates without an official gambling license but is a verified operator with the Crypto Gambling Foundation.
Is there customer support available at Bitvest casino?Yes, customer support can be reached by submitting a ticket, emailing the support team, or contacting the chat moderators for urgent matters. However, 24/7 support is not available.